Expenses Related Posts
Indirect Expenses List
Meaning with Some Examples
An indirect expense is an expense incurred by a firm that is not directly related to the core business operations. To...
What is Unexpired Cost?
Unexpired Cost
Every asset in a company is expected to fetch at least 100% returns on its cost, however, the returns obtained may not be...
What is Capitalized Expenditure?
Capitalized Expenditure or Capitalized Expense
Capitalized expenditure is nothing but a revenue expenditure which is essential to acquire and function a new asset or improve...
Carriage Outwards & Carriage Inwards in Trial Balance
Treatment of Carriage Outwards and Carriage Inwards in Trial Balance
The trial balance is a statement of Dr. & Cr. balances which are extracted from...
What is Carriage Inwards and Carriage Outwards?
Carriage Inwards and Carriage Outwards
"Carriage" can be seen as freight or transportation cost, it is the carrying costs related to the purchase and sale...
Treatment of Prepaid Expenses in Final Accounts
Prepaid Expenses
At times, during business operations, a payment made for an expense may belong fully or partially to the upcoming accounting period. Such a payment...
What is Revenue Expenditure?
Revenue Expenditure
During the normal course of business, any expenditure incurred of which benefit is received during the same accounting period is called revenue expenditure. These...
What are Sundry Expenses?
Sundry Expenses
The word "Sundry" is used for items which are irregular and insignificant to be listed individually. Sundry expenses are costs incurred during business...
What are Prepaid Expenses?
Meaning and Overview
Prepaid Expenses Journal Entry
Prepaid Insurance Journal Entry
Prepaid Rent Journal Entry
Prepaid Salary Journal Entry
Are Prepaid Expenses...
What are Direct and Indirect Expenses?
Direct Expenses (Meaning & Definition)
Direct Expenses List (with PDF)
Are Direct Expenses Operating Expenses?
Direct Expenses in Trading Account
Direct Expenses...
What are Outstanding Expenses?
Meaning and Overview
Outstanding Expenses Journal Entry
Journal entry for outstanding rent
Journal entry for outstanding salary
Journal entry for outstanding wages
What is Capex and Opex?
Capex and Opex
Expenses are costs incurred for a consideration. An expense may be capital or revenue in nature and usually incurred by disbursal of...
What is Deferred Revenue Expenditure?
Deferred Revenue Expenditure
It will be easier to understand the meaning of deferred revenue expenditure if you know the word deferred, which means "Holding something back for...
What are Preliminary Expenses?
Preliminary expenses - Meaning
All expenses incurred before a company is formed i.e. cost incurred before the start of business operations is termed as preliminary...
What is Accounts Payable (With Example)?
Accounts Payable - Meaning
Accounts payable are obligations of a business that originate because of purchases made on credit (e.g. for raw material, finished goods...