Can you give me a list of all liabilities in accounting?


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Short-Term Liabilities


The term short-term liabilities refers to the short-term financial obligations of companies, firms or enterprises to make the payments to these loans within one accounting period(i.e., within a year). These loans are generally taken to meet day to day working capital requirements of an organization such as the purchase of raw materials. Short-term liabilities are also known as current liabilities.

Exclusive List of Items

  1. Bills payable/Trade payable
  2. Sundry creditors
  3. Accrued liabilities
  4. Term debt
  5. Advances and deposits received
  6. Short-term obligations
  7. Unearned revenue
  8. Salaries and wages payables
  9. Sales tax payable
  10. Bank loan
  11. Outstanding expenses
  12. Merchandise accounts payable
  13. Deferred revenue
  14. Commercial paper
  15. Credit-card debt
  16. Bank overdraft
  17. Dividends payable
  18. Customer deposits
  19. Current portion of long-term debt
  20. Short-term provisions and reserves
  21. Accrued payroll
  22. Notes payable to banks
  23. Short-term loans and advances
  24. Rent payable
  25. Other short-term debts


Long-Term Liabilities


The term long-term liabilities refers to the long-term financial obligations of the firms, companies or enterprise which remains due for more than one accounting period. Generally, such loans are either taken to acquire fixed assets or to make payment to a long-term debt such as payments to debenture holders. Long-term liabilities are also known as long-term debt or non-current liabilities.

Exclusive List of Items

  1. Long-term borrowings/debts
  2. Specific loans for purchasing fixed assets
  3. Deferred tax liabilities
  4. Derivative liabilities
  5. Pension obligations
  6. Capital leasing
  7. Car payments
  8. Convertible debt
  9. Long-term provisions and contingencies
  10. Bonds payable
  11. Pension liabilities
  12. Debentures
  13. Mortgages payable
  14. Public deposits
  15. Long-term warrants
  16. Long-term notes payable
  17. Loans from shareholders
  18. Lease contracts
  19. Post-retirement benefits reserve
  20. Deferred long-term liability charges
  21. Deferred compensation
  22. Other non-current liabilities